
Women Reproductive Health

Reflections on the concept of women's reproductive health
Health development is to improve community health. To achieve this goal, a high level of health, the health of women as beneficiaries, family members and health care providers should have a role to play in the family, so that children grow up in adulthood as a healthy young generation. Therefore, women receive attention because:

1- Women with specific health problems of men who are not related to the reproductive side

2- Women's health directly affects the health of children conceived and born.

3- Women's health is often forgotten, and it was just as objects in the name of "development" as the program of family planning and birth control.

4- Women's issues in reproductive health have become among Indonesian International agreed agenda on the outcome of the Conference on Reproductive Health and Population (Beijing and Cairo).

5- based on the idea of ​​women's health is the most important aspects because of their impact on children's health. Therefore, in women the freedom to determine what their needs are best suited for himself, he had decided on their own.

Definition of women's reproductive health.

After the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 and Population and Development in Cairo in 1994 Koperensi was agreed in the field of human reproduction. In this case (Cholila, 1996) found that the four main points contained in the female reproductive organs, namely:

1- Reproductive and sexual health (reproductive and sexual health)
2- Determination of reproductive decisions (reproductive decision making)
3- Equality between men and women (gender equality and equal treatment between men and women)
4- Security and sexual reproduction (sexual and reproductive safety)

The definition of the importance of reproductive health that have been internationally accepted, ie a state of physical, mental, social, complete in all aspects of systems, functions and processes of reproduction. It was also found that the production rights on the recognition of human rights for all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number of children, imprisoned children, and the birth of their child is to be based.

Indicators of women's issues in reproductive health.

In terms of reproductive health in more depth, not only as an understanding of the clinical (medical), but could also include the social (the community). On balance, the goal of overall health, quality of life is very good. The evolution of social and economic conditions, particularly in developing countries to improve the quality of life and more poverty, worse, indirectly, the reproductive health of women.

Indicators for reproductive health problems of women in Indonesia, including:

The roles of men and women by gender in different cultures. Gender as a social construct affects health, and because of the different roles in an intercultural context: the level of women's health also vary.

Poverty, among other causes:
* Foods that are not eating enough or malnutrition
* Inventory is less water, sanitation and inadequate housing.
* The service not always good.

Low level of education.
Poverty affects the chance to get an education. Opportunity for schools is not the same for everyone, but depends on the ability to pay. In difficult situations, the cost is usually the boys are preferred because the man seen as the main breadwinner. When it is not only an influential indicator of poverty but also gender-specific impact on education. The level of education influences the level of health. Educated people generally have a greater understanding of health issues and prevention. Minimum, a properly trained person can find a hole, be careful, and participated in decisions in the family and society.

In developing countries, including Indonesia, is an early marriage for women is still a lot (usually under the age of 18 years). That's a lot of cultures, if you do not get married at a certain age, are deemed not to consider selling. It is also due to factors of poverty, parents take their children to marry soon, their responsibilities and handed the child to the wife of her husband. This means that young women at high risk of pregnancy at the time of delivery. Moreover, the risk of mortality is two times higher than women who marry at the age of 20 years. Other effects, it dropped out of school, which was finally the husband, both in the economic process and decision making.

Malnutrition and poor health.
According to the WHO in developing countries like Indonesia, about 450 million women are not perfect because of malnutrition among children because of poverty. When a rich culture determines that the husband and the boys get a lot of parts and the best and last the mother to eat the rest of the existing. Menstruating women, because he will need more food than men, to replace the blood. Substance that is needed is iron, which is three times larger than the needs of people. In addition, women also need more iodine than men, this deficiency causes goiter harmful to fetal development, both physically and mentally. Women are also highly susceptible to various diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, because of their work or their organs are different from men. One of the most difficult situation is that women's work is always with water, such as washing, cooking, and so connected. As we all know water is very dangerous in the way of transmission of bacterial diseases.

The workload is heavy.
Women work far longer hours than men, several studies have been conducted worldwide, women work on average three hours. As a result, women have little time to rest, the higher the incidence of chronic fatigue, stress and so on. Women's health affects not only on time.

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