
Brief Nutrition guide for Children

Nutrition is important for children in the process of growth, nutritional needs of children to help them grow, you know the most important in the diet, the body's needs by the child.

Any food that enter the body have the function, it is obvious, because every child food varieties to suit all needs. Here are the nutrients you need for a child in his growth process.

Essential fatty acids
The diet is useful for constructing the cell, regulating the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system is necessary for brain and eye function and help the body absorb the energy. Admission for children aged 1-3 years, from 0.7 grams per day of omega 3 and omega 6-7 grams, while the age of 4-8 years of 0.9 grams per day of Omega-3 and 10 grams of omega-6.

Nutrition works, so that the bones remain strong function, steady rhythm of the heart, muscles and nerves and strengthens the immune system. Admission for children aged 1-3 years was 80 mg per day and children aged 4-8 years to 130 mg per day. Its source of avocado, banana, raisins, brown rice.

Power is useful for building bones and teeth, nerve function and promotes healthy muscle help the process of blood clotting and helps convert food into energy. Admission for children aged 1-3 years is 500 mg per day and age of 4-8 years, up to 800 per day. Its source of tofu, tofu, yogurt, milk, cheese.

These nutrients with sodium in the water balance of the body, keeping blood pressure, muscle function, control and reduce the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis. Admission for children aged 1-3 years, up to 3000 mg per day for children aged 4-8 years up to 3800 mg per day. The source of the potato, tomato, sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds, watermelons.

The food is in the production of hemoglobin (red pigment in the carrier of oxygen in the blood) and myoglobin (oxygen storage pigment in muscles) is important. Admission for children aged 1-3 years to 7 mg per day and children aged 4-8 years 10 mg daily. The source of the spinach, beans, oatmeal.

These nutrients are used by more than 70 enzymes that help digestion, metabolism and essential for growth is needed. Admission for children aged 1-3 years up to 3 mg per day and children aged 4-8 years no less than 5 mg per day. His skinless chicken breast spring, fruit yogurt, tofu, mozzarella and cheddar.

Vitamin A
This vitamin plays an important role in vision and bone growth and protects the body against infection and increases the growth of cells and tissues. Admission for children aged 1-3 years, more than 1,000 IU (300 micrograms RAE / Retinol activity equivalents) per day for children aged 4-8 years up to 1320 IU (400 micrograms RAE). Its source of carrot juice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, raw spinach, papaya.

Vitamin C
This vitamin helps to improve and shape of red blood cells of bone tissue, and keeps the gums of the child and strengthens blood vessels and helps the body absorb iron. Admission for children aged 1-3 years, up to 15 mg per day for children aged 4-8 years 25 mg daily. Its source of red guava, kiwi, mango, strawberries, potatoes with skin.

Vitamin D
This vitamin helps the body absorb minerals like calcium and bone and teeth, play a role in cell regulation and insulin production. Vitamin D does not attempt to age, the average condition for vitamin D for children as much as 400 IU (10 micrograms) per day. The source is egg yolk, salmon, mackerel.

Vitamin E
This vitamin is to limit the production of free radicals, cells, DNA repair and other metabolic processes can cause damage. Admission for children aged 1-3 years was 6 mg per day and children aged 4-8 years and 7 mg per day. The source is corn oil, soybean oil, mango, kiwi.

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