
What's A Vertebrae?


The vertebral column is also called the backbone. This is considered as the framework of the body because it supports posture and movement as well. Although the vertebral column is called the backbone, this is composed of several bones, each one called a vertebrae.

Your vertebrae is made up of two important parts: the anterior segment which is referred to as vertebral body and the posterior segment which is called the vertebral neural arch. In between every vertebrae is a hole which is called the intervertebral foramina. When these vertebrae are well-positioned in the body, the head and the trunk can be supported well.

There are a total of 33 vertebrae in the spinal column. 7 are located at the cervical area of the spine, 5 of them at the lumbar area, 12 are in the thoracic area, five in the sacral area of which are combined to form the sacrum, and 4 of them in the coccygeal are which forms your coccynx. This group of vertebrae, which in plural for is called vertebra holds many functions for the body.


One of the functions of the vertebrae is transmitting messages from the brain and distributing it to the body. Through the vertebrae, nerves, which transmit information to and from the body can travel starting from the brain to the spine and to the different parts of the body. Apart from that, the vertebrae are also responsible for various reflexes of the body. Reflexes are the involuntary responses of the body to stimuli which the body perceives as dangerous. Getting your hand back when you touch something hot is an example of a reflux.

With all of the functions such as support in movement and posture, reflexes, and transmitting messages and information to and from the brain, the vertebrae is a very important part of the body that is needed to be taken care of. Damages to the vertebrae or spinal column may lead to serious conditions such as herniated discs, paralysis, and death. Everything you do must be accomplished with caution and safety.

The other function of the vertebrae is to protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an essential part of our body. It's the focus of our nervous system and thereby is the message pathway that connects our brains with the rest of our body. The spinal cord is also vulnerable. Vertebrae are the strong bones that cover the spinal cord and protect it from outside damage.

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