
Prostate Enlargement Complications and Causes - Treatment of Benign Enlarged Prostate

Benign does not mean cancer. Many things, including prostate cancer and prostatitis, enlarged prostate. This sheet is only caused by BPH.
The prostate is a gland (the fluid produced during ejaculation), the liquid part of semen produced. It is the size of a walnut and is located at the base of the bladder.

The front of the prostate surrounds the urethra - the tube that takes urine from the bladder through the penis. Any change in size or shape of the prostate may reduce the tube, it is difficult for you to pass urine.
If you can not have BPH, rapid growth in prostate cells, promotes the growth of the prostate. Not all men with BPH develop an enlarged prostate.

The symptoms of an enlarged prostate may include:
1. A weak urine stream or slow
2. A feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
3. Following dribbling
4. Difficulty starting urination
5. A urine stream that starts and stops
6. urgent need to urinate
7. Getting up frequently to urinate at night
8. urinating burden
9. Frequent urination
10. Back to urinate minutes

Complications of benign enlarged prostate
In some men, enlarged prostate can lead to more serious problems, such as the following.

Urinary retention. This means that you can not urinate. If it develops suddenly (acute retention of urine), and you have pain in the lower abdomen (stomach), seek urgent medical attention. If it develops gradually (chronic urinary retention), you can start the symptoms like a swollen belly and urination to develop spontaneously, for example during sleep. Urinary retention may at the hospital by a thin tube (catheter) into the bladder, the urine flow to be treated.

Recurrent urinary tract infections. They often develop urinary tract infections, because you're not emptying your bladder properly. Consult your doctor if you develop symptoms such as pain during urination, need to urinate more often than usual, abdominal pain or cloudy urine.

The bladder stones. bladder stones form, if you can empty your bladder. You can have abdominal pain or find it painful to urinate. The bladder stones sometimes on his own passport, or you may need surgery to remove them.

The choice of therapy depends on symptom severity, the extent to which they relate to your daily life, and presence of other medical conditions. Treatment options are "watchful waiting", changes in lifestyle, medications or surgery.

If you are over 60, you're more likely to have symptoms. But many men with an enlarged prostate only mild symptoms. measures of self-care is often enough to make you feel better.
If you have BPH, you should have an annual review to monitor the progression of symptoms and determine if changes are needed in treatment.

For mild symptoms:
1. Urinate when you feel the urge. Also on the toilet when you have the chance to go, even if you do not need to urinate.
2. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, especially after dinner.
3. Do not drink much fluid at once. Spread out fluids throughout the day. Avoid drinking within 2 hours before bedtime.
4. Try not to over-medication against colds and sinus to contain decongestants or antihistamines. These medications can increase BPH symptoms.
5. Keep warm and exercise regularly. Cold and lack of physical activity increases symptoms.
6. Learning and motivation Kegels (pelvic strengthening exercises).
7. Reduce stress. Nervousness and tension can cause more frequent urination.

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