
Healthy Sexuality - 5 Tips

Our sexual passion with your partner generally increases when there are other conditions that contribute to it. Not only our expertise in race couples, a situation that surrounds us is also affected, as the smell in the room or textile materials used in the bed.
Here are five exercises that deserve our attention if you want to wake up the sensitivity, according to Joel. D. Block in his book, Secrets of Better Sex.
1. Sensory surprises.
Take a plane of rotation of the sex session with an emphasis on sensual pleasure. If your spouse as flowers, her favorite flower in a saucepan. Or perhaps we could water on his bed room and favorite flower. You can add some other things that stimulate all five senses.

2. Focus touch.
Close all the senses. Concentrate on what you touch. Do you feel your partner's skin when touched her body. Note the changes from one section to another. to make changes and press a key to exciting stimuli.

3. Develop touch.
Use materials that are not common to fuck you in the event, such as silk, leather, velvet, hot water, wine, ice, or perhaps honey. You can choose according to your taste.

4. Sound play.
Put on soft music in the room. Can you interest in music. Enter a few surprises in every conversation in bed.

5. Develop awareness.
Every day, at least ten minutes, write down the things around you. Try to pay attention to detail. If necessary, the conditions change according to your taste. Of course, these things can be done if it is at home. When you look in a public place, that in detail. Is our sensitivity to the railway environment, especially our wives.

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